
New updates and improvements to Lago.

Invoice payment status

As we are making progress on the grace period feature, which will allow you to review invoices before they are sent to customers, we have introduced changes to the API to add new invoice management options.

The invoice object included a <text-code>status<text-code> attribute with three possible values: <text-code>pending<text-code>, <text-code>failed<text-code> and <text-code>succeeded<text-code>. This attribute has been renamed <text-code>payment_status<text-code> for accuracy purposes (possible values remains unchanged).

In addition to this, a new <text-code>status<text-code> attribute has been created, including two possible values:

  • <text-code>draft<text-code>: when an invoice has been generated but can still be modified; and
  • <text-code>finalized<text-code>: when the invoice is validated and can no longer be modified.

All existing invoices are considered as <text-code>finalized<text-code>, you will not be able to use the <text-code>draft status until the grace period feature is deployed (later this month).

Please contact us at if you have any questions, we will be happy to help.